Vision Quest

Well, today I worked really hard at not doing what needed to be done, according to BayBeeGee land. Orders are piled up, each one needing one tiny thing or two from the fabric store in order to be started and/or finished. So I basically worked on things that I wanted to create, for myself, and for my new mini biz Sunshine Luci. I started Sunshine Luci because I liked the name. It came to me really randomly one day, and reminds me of an indie rockabilly/folk-ish band. And because if I ever have a little teensy baby daughter, her name will be Sunshine Luci. Growing up my mom told us (my younger brother and I) stories of her horse named Sunny, riding in the mountains, through fields, jumping streams, living wildly, who I later found was named Sunshine...I think. Every night before bed she would give us a kiss and say "dream of Sunny". Every night she said this, and I have found myself every morning asking my son as I snuggle him and wake up, if he had "sweet dreams of Sunny". Anyways, I started feeling very claustrophobic with BayBeeGee about a month ago. The pressure of repeatedly coming up with new styles, new prints, new products for every season, all the sudden really freaked me out. What if no one likes it? What if 3 years down the road I have no more ideas? THEN WHAT?! Dont take me wrong, I absolutely LOVE what I do, but it just hit me that I need to take the time to stop thinking purely BBG, breathing everything BBG, when it comes to my sewing life, and make something I wanted to make - for me! So I did, Sunshine Luci was born, and now I cant stop. The list is never ending of the things I long to make for myself, our house, Gavyn, even my amazing husband. From duvet covers, to tiny chapstick pouches that attach to your keychain, to journal covers and pillows with pom pom fringe on them.

I decided that since I have so much moolah invested in BayBeeGee, and that my scrap pile is growing literally daily, that I am going to make everything that I can out of those scraps. Its my vision quest for myself, to keep me inspired, enjoying the journey, learning every step of the way. And not to mention, not spend a cent (ok maybe a few) that doesnt need to be spent. This fabraholic has put herself in fabric buying rehab. Starting now, with scraps only projects.
Today I made this beautiful clutch out of scraps from a good friend of mine, Kelley of TurtleTurtle, who is also a local crafty seamstress and makes some amazing mai-tai carriers along with just about everything you could think of. I used super retro red and white polka dot fabric for the lining and a vintage button from my late grandmothers collection, it looks like it was on a jacket at once. I wonder where that button has been, what has it seen?

So there ya go, numero dos in my scrapping vision quest. And again, if you have any ideas of how to use up my bajillion scraps, let me know.....your vision may show up in your mailbox.

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I am a messy crafter. I like to spread out, see all the materials Im working with, then throw them together and see how it turns out. I love to see the end result. A thought in my mind can turn out totally different in the end than I first visualized.
I have a "thing" for mini notebooks. I probably have like 7 of them lying around, all intended for different types of notes: BayBeeGee inspirations, personal goals, funny things Gavyn does, even a bitch fest one. I dont use any of them for more than a week. So, in trying to get myself to use at least one of them, I decided to cover the ugly pastel cover with beautiful chocolate brown floral fabric. I threw on a button as a closure, some rick rack, and waa-laa! A whole new notebook, that is ridiculously cute and that I am actually going to use (right?!). This thing would probably sell for 18 buckeronies in a little card store, so I basically just saved probably 16 of those buckeronies, considering it was all made with scraps.
Speaking of scraps, I have a ton. Like, jillions of them. Fabric, ribbon, mismatched buttons, t-shirt pieces, you name it, its stuffed into my over flowing scrap bin. My goal is to someday use them all up, into new creations, to be re-used and given a new home besides the landfill. So if you have any awesomely cool ideas for repurposing scraps, let me know! You may end up getting a little scrappy gift in the mail one day :)

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I fell off the blog-earth...

And now Im back! Its been 7 months since my last confession - I mean blog post. Wow. Lots of new goings on in the Poarch family: new house, no more dogs, super growing business, and that pretty much sums it up nice and short and sweet. BayBeeGee has grown from appliqued shirts to beautiful dresses, fun and funky aprons, and oodles of custom orders. I LOVE what I do. I mean L.O.V.E. it. Sewing to me is my stress release, letting my mind go where no mind has gone before. Visualizing creations and then actually bringing them to life is amazing to me. It brings me a sense of accomplishment that not many other things have given me. I like to be good at something, and this is it. I hated sewing in high school. I was given a book with projects such as pajama pants or a pillowcase with the 2 fabric choices, of the ugliest prints you could imagine. This ruined sewing for me for awhile. Now I live, eat, and breathe it. Besides my family, it is my ultimate passion. Im reading an amazing book about crafting as a business, and its inspired me to create my studio into a haven, my magical place, a place to let loose and let the fabric fly! And so I am doing just that. Its nothing special right now, but soon its going to be amazing.
Life is good, love is priceless, and my little family is amazing.
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Ok ok Im back already:)

Alright so Im back from my blogging hiatus, and glad to be here. Its not like this takes a lot of time or anything and Im a bit of a jerk for not ever writing, but hey, cut me some slack here I got alot on my plate.
So we go: Gavyn is walking and mimicking everything we say, in his ultra-sweet voice, so high pitched and innocent. He says "no no bad girl" to our dogs like they are angels or something. So not true but in Gavyn's world everything is the best it can be. I look back daily and am still surprised where I am at today. Not like a bad surprised, more like "wow, I did this! I created this!" kind of surprise, and it makes me happy. Like this morning for example. Gavyn really likes to dance. Im talking arms in the air swinging, hips going side to side, head bobbing, kind of dance. So Im sitting there in my "area" up by the front window, on my $50 Urban Outfitter couch from craigslist, with my glowing blue bird chandelier above me, just looking out at the looming clouds, and in this "area" Im supposed to be invisible, no one can talk to me or look at me or even know Im there. Well that doesn't work with a 16 month around, so instead of being invisible for my 7 minutes of alone time, i put down my vanilla-peanut butter breve(which tastes like an abba zabba BTW...yum), and say screw it all and start dancing with Gavyn like there was no tomorrow. Great morning.
Next update....BayBeeGee is growing like a weed, and flourishing, only for me to discover that oh shit how am I supposed to pay for all the stuff needed to keep it going and growing...and what about that special order fabric I needed and those buttons and on and on and on. And now that my husband is in school I have to be THE provider for the family, which ya know sucks I will admit but its not for long then hopefully I will be able to sew to my little hearts desire without worrying about work. But DAMN for now its lame and I have to find a job and never sleep so that I can sew at night, or grow a few extra arms so I wont have to sew quite so much. If you have the arm growing concoction, lemme know :)
Ohhhhhhh and what else?! Lets see, oh duh I forgot to mention BayBeeGee has a store now. Its uber rad. 9th and Wilson in Bend, called Revival. Be there. It will knock your socks off.
Tonight we had dinner with my ultimate homie , Angela and her daughter Olive. Lil O is in all BBG's photoshoots, she is even on my business card, and I consider them family to say the least. Her husband was at work late so we decided to make him way jealous by having a yummy dinner and lots of wine...poor Rob, we love you dude. :) Ha ha. The babies jammed out, took at co-ed bath together which is the cutest thing ever. Bath time for Gavyn is his favorite part of the day, and with O there, its basically the coolest place on earth! Then they jammed some more while we finished off this super delish bottle of wine with a cool Gypsy chick on it wearing a red turban. Real good. Anyways, basically the night rocked, had some good talks, and came to realize that this first year of marriage may be the hardest and to throw a baby in the mix doubles the hardness (what a gross word), but to still love Rusty as much as I did on our first date, eating chex mix and drinking champagne while he dug my snowmobile out of a 5 foot deep tree hole after I jumped a road trying to catch some air cuz Im a major badass, then to have our first kiss ON TOP of a frozen pretty amazing. Ya know, Ill think we will make it thru this craziness....even if sometimes I want to rip his arms off.
And with that, I will bid you a-due. Really? A-due? Yes because I dont know how to spell it and I hate spell check.
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Oh hi there blog! How are you?

Wow, Im a blog slacker! Just call me the Slack Master. I do have good reasons tho. Number 1: a baby who is now walking. 'Nuff said. Number 2: trying to make something of my business, BayBeeGee. Now I guess you could argue this reason because a blog is supposed to "help" your biz, but mine isnt...yet. So there. Number 3: Time management is not one of my good qualities.
But oh well! Here I am! Alive! Happy! LIVING this wonderful amazing thing called Life. So updates on the fam-damily: Gavyn is walking and looks like an orangutan/drunk old man when he toddles around. He likes it when I whistle to him and puckers up his lips and tries so hard to do it, but mostly we just end up laughing at eachother in a huge snugglefest. His new favorite word is "shit". Weird because I think that was my moms first word too, she will be happy to know this. What else is new?! Rusty has started tattoo school a few weeks ago. So far so good. He made a light table in our basement and draws alot, which is good. Someday I will be getting free tattoos for life, which is uber sweet because those stinkin things are EEEEExpensive. Whats new with me you might ask? I am starting to sew my Fall Line for BayBeeGee. I got my first wholesale order of Uber Kix from a really cool baby store in Portland called Black Wagon. I was really excited for that, and also glad to have finished it so I can focus on my new creations. Be sure to check out my etsy shop ( for the latest and greatest, oh and while Im self-promoting, why dontcha become a fan of BBG on facebook as well, My FB fan page just got 100 fans and I held a contest once I got there for a free pair of Uber Kix. Some lucky little dude will be getting his free custom pair soon.
I was in an art store with Rus a few weekends ago and came across my dads book "How to Make a Journal of Your Life", which was really cool because even tho I have like 20 copies, I dont think I have ever really looked too deeply into it. I should be fired as a daughter sometimes, Im rotten. Anyways I checked it out, only to find all these really cool pictures of my family when we were all younger, my yummy cookie recipe (the BEST joke), and basically just total coolness was jumping out of every page. Go find the little book and buy it and read it. You will be inspired. I was. I also came to the conclusion while I was wandering around, that I am obsessed with paper. And journals. Ok mostly journals. I think that I have like 50 unfinished journals around somewhere. But a NEW journal is the best thing ever. And I always think really hard about what to write on the first page, because it sets the tone for the whole thing. Of course I bought one, its square, with a black soft cover, and yummy thick ivory pages. I decided that I would give the journal to Gavyn once he is older, so Im writing about all the funny things he does and how he is changing and growing. I even watercolored his new wooden fruit toys that you can cut up with a fake knife. He digs it, we say "Go cut up your fruit and make some fruit salad!" And he plops down and starts chopping away.
Now I think Im going to go eat my sammich.
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Holy sh*t, its 10 o'clock already?!

Dude what just happened to my day? I just looked at the clock, expecting like maybe 9-ish, but obviously I have been zoning out once again for over an hour. And what have I been doing, you may be asking? Duh, sewing and taking Etsy breaks, of course! I should be sleeping, or atleast attempting to sleep. My days are nutso. Gavyn wakes up hecka early, we all play in bed (more like he clanks on his xylephone while Daddy and I try and catch like just one more Z or two until the breakfast screams comes out), then drag ass outta bed to make some delish oatmeal and yogurt (yo-meal...try it, its amazing) for Gavyn. After getting a yo-meal shower, my husband and I shotgun our espressos in between cleaning the layer of breakfast off of G and trying to shove something of substance down our throats. We then hang out in the living room and learn our ABC's. Gavyn has a new dance move now that he busts out when the ABC video sings the alphabet song...its super funny, especially when you are zombie-tired. I sneak out to check emails, hoping I have an order or some good BayBeeGee news to share with the family. While Gavyn naps I sew like a mad-woman...finding that once I know its getting close for him to wake up, my heart starts pounding a million times a minute and it becomes a race to the finish line. "Ok how many Uber Kix can I finish before my little monster wakes up...I got about 10 minutes left, should I sew the sole onto this pair or start a new one and get thru the more difficult sewing steps of that pair so that I can possibly finish both of the pairs while Gavyn is pre-occupied?" And always right before I finish what I set out to do, he wakes up. Ahhh the life of a mother. You learn time management REAL quick. Its been a bajillion degrees out lately, so normally we would take a walk to the park and push Gavyn in his favorite swing, but we cant or we would cook like an egg on the sidewalk, so instead we hide out inside, eat snacks, attack the dogs, make new toys out of the most random things. Who knew that a wire basket could become a push-cart, AND a throne for G to climb all over. Way cooler than the toys we buy, in his eyes. So as the day winds down, after many clothing changes and diaper changes, its bathtime...Gavyns favorite part of the day. He splashes and takes all the bottles down off the edge of the tub, then puts them back. In the exact same order. I swear this kid is a genius. Imagine like 7 bottles of randomness, all different colors, shapes, sizes, and throwing them into a tub, playing with them for a minute, and then putting them back in the exact same order. Uber amazing. And if one is not right he knocks them all down and puts them back the right way. Dude is superbaby. And so now, here I go, off to bed. Baby is asleep, husband is lonely and neglected, and my eyes are stinging from this stinkin screen I spend way too much time in front of. Sweet dreams to all my homies out know who you are:)
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Dude I need a plastic camera!

I have been around photography since before I was even born...if that is possible. My dad has always had a camera around his neck, so its no big thang if theres cameras going off around me. Now that I have a child, I have REALLY gotten into photography. I mean reeeeeeeally. Im always laying on the floor trying to get funky angles, shooting into the sun to get those sweet sunrays coming out of Gavyns head like hes an angel, and I am just now discovering that if you take a pic of movement without the flash on, the result is almost ghost-like. My husband and I just got a MAC computer this year and it has some killer programs for editing photos, which can be really fun, but also very addicting. Should I make it black and white, wait no how about I enhance all the colors, no no sepia...SHIT i dunno! Too many choices. Anyways, the point of this whole thing is that I really want a Diana camera. Pops used to have one (and if you still do and are hiding it from me Im going to come hunt it down and steal it!), and it made the coolest pictures ever. I cant even explain to you how cool. Stellar, thats a good word to describe them. So if anyone wants to fuel my passion for being a crazy mom taking pictures all the time, send me a Diana camera asap. No joke dudes....I want one:)
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