Oh hi there blog! How are you?
Wow, Im a blog slacker! Just call me the Slack Master. I do have good reasons tho. Number 1: a baby who is now walking. 'Nuff said. Number 2: trying to make something of my business, BayBeeGee. Now I guess you could argue this reason because a blog is supposed to "help" your biz, but mine isnt...yet. So there. Number 3: Time management is not one of my good qualities.
But oh well! Here I am! Alive! Happy! LIVING this wonderful amazing thing called Life. So updates on the fam-damily: Gavyn is walking and looks like an orangutan/drunk old man when he toddles around. He likes it when I whistle to him and puckers up his lips and tries so hard to do it, but mostly we just end up laughing at eachother in a huge snugglefest. His new favorite word is "shit". Weird because I think that was my moms first word too, she will be happy to know this. What else is new?! Rusty has started tattoo school a few weeks ago. So far so good. He made a light table in our basement and draws alot, which is good. Someday I will be getting free tattoos for life, which is uber sweet because those stinkin things are EEEEExpensive. Whats new with me you might ask? I am starting to sew my Fall Line for BayBeeGee. I got my first wholesale order of Uber Kix from a really cool baby store in Portland called Black Wagon. I was really excited for that, and also glad to have finished it so I can focus on my new creations. Be sure to check out my etsy shop (www.baybeegee.etsy.com) for the latest and greatest, oh and while Im self-promoting, why dontcha become a fan of BBG on facebook as well, www.facebook.com/baybeegeeshop. My FB fan page just got 100 fans and I held a contest once I got there for a free pair of Uber Kix. Some lucky little dude will be getting his free custom pair soon.
I was in an art store with Rus a few weekends ago and came across my dads book "How to Make a Journal of Your Life", which was really cool because even tho I have like 20 copies, I dont think I have ever really looked too deeply into it. I should be fired as a daughter sometimes, Im rotten. Anyways I checked it out, only to find all these really cool pictures of my family when we were all younger, my yummy cookie recipe (the BEST around...no joke), and basically just total coolness was jumping out of every page. Go find the little book and buy it and read it. You will be inspired. I was. I also came to the conclusion while I was wandering around, that I am obsessed with paper. And journals. Ok mostly journals. I think that I have like 50 unfinished journals around somewhere. But a NEW journal is the best thing ever. And I always think really hard about what to write on the first page, because it sets the tone for the whole thing. Of course I bought one, its square, with a black soft cover, and yummy thick ivory pages. I decided that I would give the journal to Gavyn once he is older, so Im writing about all the funny things he does and how he is changing and growing. I even watercolored his new wooden fruit toys that you can cut up with a fake knife. He digs it, we say "Go cut up your fruit and make some fruit salad!" And he plops down and starts chopping away.
Now I think Im going to go eat my sammich.
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